We know Sabrina Heartsong is the living the Power Beauty lifestyle and that’s why we are so excited to feature her in today’s spotlight!
Sabrina Heartsong is a pioneer in the field of spiritual transformation, and has been applying her intuitive skills and teachings of Self Realization for the past 10 years.
As a result of her own journey into Awareness, Sabrina has dedicated herself to the exploration of human consciousness; its modern implications and developing tools for its individual application in everyday life. She is a renowned empath with laser sharp ability to read energy and a master in bridging ancient wisdom from the East with modern theories of psychology, spirituality and practical tools for productive living.
Your Name: Sabrina Heartsong
Your Title: Intuitive Therapist, Teacher and Speaker
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Devoted, Awakened, Loving
What is one ritual you have to do everyday? Whether it be your makeup, when you wake up, or a daily practice?
Daily meditation- communion with Spirit
What’s in your makeup bag?
Dr. Hauschka – translucent make-up, sunglow eye-shadow and volume mascara
After a long day or week what helps you balance your life?
A yoga class – walking by the lake in silence and solitude – creative writing.
What are your 3 must haves when you travel?
A journal, Internet access:) , Pandora+ headphones, healthy snacks
Heels or Flats?
Flats please! Anything that supports my spine and can carry me comfortably throughout the day
If you could have any one thing in life what would it be and why?
A center for conscious living where people will come to heal emotionally physically and spiritually, awaken to their magnificence, participate in community, and live sustainably in total unconditional love and honor for each other and the planet.
What has been the hardest part of your journey? And what helped you get through?
The hardest part of my personal journey was recovering from my childhood trauma through various healing attempts during my early twenties. I struggled to recover for many years painfully creating an identity that was a product of a false belief system and not an authentic expression of my highest Self. I suffered tremendously from a deep sense of self loathing that manifested itself in the form of addiction, an eating disorder, an overall intense loneliness-feeling disconnected from life and most significantly from my soul. It wasn’t until I completely surrendered to living a spiritual life and started to practice radical self love that I let go of the worldly version of my former self and started having many life altering, transcendental experiences. It was in those experiences where I felt my Essence and became profoundly connected with my Life’s purpose and role in assisting humanity.
How do you keep it all together during the busy times?
I stay connected to Source and ground my energy by taking time out for myself. I connect with the people I love in deep and conscious dialogue. Sharing my passion for awakening the human spirit energizes me and helps keeps me focused.
During your free time, what activity do you enjoy doing the most?
Reading, Creating intentions for my life, listening to music, making healthy meals
Beach or Mountains?
Both - I live in the mountains walking distance from the beach. I’m immersed in and surrounded by heavenly nature.
Who has been your mentor/ who have you looked up to, to help you reach your goals?
I had a spiritual teacher when I was very young that taught me the basic principles of conscious living and gave me books to read. He encouraged me by relating to me as whole, perfect and complete. The most significant and impactful bodies of work I have engaged in are reading books by David Hawkins, practicing Vipassana meditation, studying the Course in miracles and spending much time alone in deep reflection. These are all tools that created the most favorable environment for me to directly experience the Divine and infinite nature of creation, the Source from where all of life emerges.
When do you feel the most beautiful?
When I am being authentic, self expressed and in my genius.
What is the most important piece of advice you would offer to someone starting their own business?
Do what brings you joy. Be prepared to selflessly serve your higher calling and never settle
for less than what you feel you are capable of. Always remember that you are a limitless being and already posses all of the qualities required to fulfill your purpose. By simply staying in alignment with your heart’s desire, maintaining your integrity and being willing to expand into the presence of your dreams actualized; the universe will assist to manifest your goals with ease and grace and assure you that You are always provided for.
What does it mean to you to support other women?
It brings me infinite joy and peace to share the teachings that empower, uplift and facilitate self awareness in women. Knowing that I am able to serve women in such a way that they are forever transformed by experiencing and integrating their Divine Feminine nature, finding lasting emotional freedom and connecting to their own purpose, constantly nurtures my own sense of deep fulfillment and reason for being.
What is the next step in your journey?
The next step in my journey is to compile years of practice and assisting people in developing their spiritual awareness into several books that offer practical and accessible tools for living an extraordinary life. In addition to facilitating large gatherings, workshops and retreats, I have created a program to develop and train spiritual leaders in finding their own teaching voice and working with others.

Sabrina Heartsong is a renowned empath and sought after intuitive therapist, teacher and speaker with an extraordinary gift for facilitating Self Awareness and healing. She has been applying her gifts and guiding clients to fully realizing themselves as powerful, infinite beings for the past decade both privately and in workshops and retreats all over the world. Sabrina has dedicated her life to both empowering and uplifting humanity and assisting people to discover and live their Truth, manifest their dreams and find lasting fulfillment. For more information about her services and benefits of working with her, please visit www.sabrinaheartsong.com
On February 21st 2015, we are excited to announce our collaboration with Sabrina Heartsong. During the event you will get the opportunity to Tune into the Flow and Manifest you dreams with Sabrina's 1 hr workshop.
The workshop will focus on:
How to tune into the flow of the universe and develop your intuition
Key techniques for answering all of your own questions and for allowing yourself to effortlessly be guided in life
The fundamentals of authentic manifestation, how to apply them and create more magic in your life
POWER UP and get ready to manifest all of your dreams in 2015!