Power Up Series

Power Beauty Living Restore, Relax, Rejuvenate & Re-ignite Your Infinite Potential Weekend In Sedona
September 30, 2016
Are you ready to Power Up your Business, Beauty and Life? It's that time again for another amazing Power Beauty Living Event... And we've teamed up with the amazing Midori Verity, energizing relationship coach and best selling author, as well as Body and Brain Yoga for a weekend of rest, relaxation, restoration, rejuvention and re-iginition of your infinite potential!

Unleash Your Inner Hero Power Up Retreat
April 01, 2016
Back by popular demand, It's that time again for another amazing Power Beauty Living Event. We are thrilled to invite you to our Unleash Your Inner Hero Power Up Retreat in partnership with Body and Brain Yoga to bring you a weekend with the world's top Tao Masters at the beautiful Sedona Mago Retreat amongst the stunning red rocks of Sedona, Arizona.

Power Beauty Living VIP Networking and Cocktail reception, at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City
February 29, 2016
Shalini Vadhera, a renowned, award-winning global beauty and lifestyle expert, founder and CEO of Power Beauty Living, and best-selling author of Passport To Beauty, proudly takes her Power Beauty Living brand global on February 29th, 2016 at the United Nations alongside IMPACT Leadership 21, for an exclusive VIP POWER UP Networking and Cocktail event.
Ignite Your Infinite Potential in Sedona, AZ
September 25, 2015
This retreat was inspiring and life- changing for all those who attended. In fact, it was such a resounding success, and in demand, that I have scheduled another on for April 1 - 3, 2016. So save that date and look out for more information coming soon to sign up. It was held at the Sedona Mago Retreat Center,that’s nestled in the stunning red rocks of Sedona, Arizona.

Ignite Your Infinite Potential With The World’s Top Tao Masters
September 25, 2015
This is our first Power Up Series Retreat with the world's top Tao Masters at the beautiful Sedona Mago Retreat amongst the stunning red rocks of Sedona, Arizona. Come experience the land that will touch your heart and awaken your soul. Join us for a weekend and unlock the Tao secrets to Powering up your business, beauty and life! The Tao Fellowship's mission is “Love Humanity, Love the Earth."
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