We know Rainbeau Mars is the living the Power Beauty lifestyle and that’s why we are so excited to feature her in today’s spotlight!
Ever since her birth in a teepee under a double rainbow, Rainbeau Mars has helped inspire others on their journey to a greener, healthier way of life. Her new book the 21 Day Superstar Cleanse outlines her signature zero-calorie-restriction vegan cleanse, taking readers on an adventure of food, fun, fitness, and personal awakening! Featuring more than 75 recipes, positive affirmations, yoga poses, and a foreword by Woody Harrelson, the tome has already been endorsed by celebrities including Josie Maran & James Cameron.
Your Name: Rainbeau Mars
Your Title: CEO
Aka – Creative Elevation Officer
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Actor, Author, Activist
What is one ritual you have to do everyday? Whether it be your makeup, when you wakeup, or a daily practice?
I now meditate every day.
I honestly never knew I would actually say that as I use to think that it was a waste of time but I can honestly say that it’s truly the most important thing for me to do. I pray and meditate on my psychological process and analyze the roots of my potential suffering/that whatever isn’t serving me be dissolved. I have a breathing exercise that I do with it. Sometimes I drift into a dream state during this process and I like to have time to write about those dreams.
What’s in your makeup bag?
I always have some natural lip balm and Love Anthios 50 tinted sunscreen. That’s my everyday base must have and if I’m lucky and have more time, I nurture myself with AEOS refreshing facial mist and Josie Maran Cosmetics tinted moisturizer. I also usually have a doTERRA essential oil of some type, my favorite is frankincense, myrrh and grapefruit. I have all of them for various internal and external reasons.
After a long day or week what helps you balance your life?
Well I’m not sure how anyone survives without regular yoga practice. To me it’s like taking an internal shower and although I merely see it as a really great form of exercise I am in love with it and so grateful to have it in my life. Even if I can’t take a whole class, I might do a quick restorative, headstand or breathing exercise. It’s nice to know it enough to always have a tool in my bag of tricks, but it took many hours of practice to find it as a tool rather then a necessity.
I’m truly devoted to baths. I get in and wash my face with some amazing aromatherapy product (AEOS has crystals) and just let my body open up and relax.
I love long baths with essential oils carried with a few drops of almond oil. I always go in clean and regularly have a shower cap on to protect my professionally done hair… But more often then not I soak my whole head under water to relax my neck, where I hold the most amount of stress.
I use long masks, that I either keep on during the baths or sleep with. AEOS has this amazing tea mask that I just fell in love with but I also really love biologique (p50 and all their masks) and future (beauty drops).
In fact receiving time for myself to just let go and take rejuvenating naps often come from hydrating facials that I do on my own or with a professional. (I sometimes trade my arrives for theirs) with long Massages or visits to the hot springs and my favorite de stresser is hot stone massage or bamboo.
When feeling depleted I love to rejuvenate by returning to the life-giving waters, either at my favorite Hot Springs or swimming in the ocean at a clean beach.
I also like to walk around barefoot at home and in the garden. Time with family of course and just being without doing, although work seems to Always continue on one level or another.
What are your 3 must haves when you travel?
Hair brush
Enema bag
Tennis shoes
Heels or Flats?
Mix it up. I have incredible heels I love to get dolled up in, but spend just as much time barefoot or in cute flats.
If you could have any one thing in life what would it be and why?
A world that is taken care of by its people and vice versa.
What has been the hardest part of your journey? And what helped you get through?
-Choosing health and self- love.
-Almost loosing custody over my daughter whose father spent over half a million dollars to prove I was an unfit mother.
The second was by far the hardest, but the lessons I gained from the first is what’s got me through that and everything else that I owe my life to. People often assume that because I’m the daughter of master herbalist, nutritionist and author, Brigitte Mars, that I must have always been the poster child for a perfectly healthy lifestyle. While I did have many tools and knowledge at my fingertips, like any liberal teenager, I rebelled and as I progressed in my career as a young girl who wanted to find herself in the world which included time as an actor and model, I became surrounded by a lot of reckless behavior and debauchery that Hollywood is prime and ready to provide. At a time when I was feeling really disempowered and disconnected from my true self, I was working on a film where the Harrison brothers introduced me to the book “Fit For Life”, practicing the challenging and mind cleansing yoga and well next thing you know I was cleaning in the studios and seeking authentic self truth as a way to life at the core of all my passions. I cried daily, I learned to feel, pray, breathe, built a truly connected community around me and continued to grow. Live foods and the practices I share in the “21 Day SuperStar Cleanse” book I wrote is what truly reconnected me later and gave me a career and later the ability to focus in, buckle up and raise enough money to share authentic truth even in a realm where I realized that not everyone would have my best interests in mind. Throughout inner work that I share in my book I’ve had many successes and what many would call a career. I’ve gotten through difficult times, raised an amazing 11 year old daughter, married well, made come backs, done a lot but most importantly have begun to find a true sense of peace of mind. It’s been quite a journey but the life I have is something I’ll continue to show up for whatever battles I must endure in order to protect and support.
How do you keep it all together during the busy times?
The biggest thing is my spiritual work. Though the inner work I realize there will always be challenges, but that I don’t have to face them alone. I have God with me at all times and that’s huge.
I’m fortunate also to have incredible friends who are honest, grounded, real and continue to grow with me.
I have an amazing supportive family and a superstar team. I’ve realized that nothing great gets done on our own. We truly need each other. It takes many to do anything great.
During your free time, what activity do you enjoy doing the most?
I am making a movie. First a short and then a feature but because that might not be considered my free time (although I love it that much) my hobby is singing, songwriting and free-styling. I would always love more time to do these things.
Beach or Mountains?
Beach is the necessity but it’s hard to choose. I love mountains to hike in.
Who has been your mentor/ who have you looked up to, to help you reach your goals?
My teacher of all teachers is Juan Naupari Ruiz and the person who is truly changing my life. But I have had many.
Yoga Works founders Chuck Miller and Maty Ezraty.
My Godparents, Ayurveduc doctors and chiropractor, Light and Brian Miller, my mother, my husband and my daughter is my greatest teacher of all though.
When do you feel the most beautiful?
When I’m in nature or after a long meditation with my teacher. In nature, all alone, or when I’m in my favorite island getaway.
What is the most important piece of advice you would offer to someone starting their own business?
I say the most important thing is to do what makes your heart beat faster. What that means is anyone can run a business from the head but it might not create the happiness one seeks, so if you can take the advice of your heart and let it guide your destiny, then ones personal treasure can be found. Follow passion do that money wants to follow you. Also be great. Truly great. They will find you. Don’t sell, but instead attract and above all hold on to that which is impermanent and let go of all that’s not.
What does it mean to you to support other women?
I like to remind woman that we are in actuality more connected to divinity do we need to remember that our gardens to. E watered and nourished so that we can truly thrive and the men in our lives can be happy. It’s truly false to think that there is any one more worthy then self. Self worth is everything and self-love is worth millions of not billions. Serving women is serving the empowered return of all that’s sacred and beautiful in the world. We are the ones to lead our families into a better place and world, so we are the ones to create it. Lead with grace, with beauty and courage and visualize the life and world that women would dream of. We are the ones to remember and we are the ones to remind.
What is the next step in your journey?
Well, with my company RMLifestyles we definitely have some amazing things in the works, like a new Membership Subscription program and a few others that I won’t disclose just yet. The main next step in my journey is bringing to life an innovative film that I have been writing and refining for a few years now. There is a lot in the works and business deal conversations but I’m following my heart and seeing who’s coming with us. We will always continue to invite and serve and we are here to create a new world, so we get to paint those pictures of a new possibility.

Power Beauty is thrilled to announce our collaboration with one of Hollywood’s most sought after health, beauty and fitness advocates, Rainbeau Mars! During our event on February 21st you will get the opportunity to learn how to Transform Your Life with The 21 -Day SuperStar Cleanse!
Created by Rainbeau Mars – The 21-Day SuperStar Cleanse: A Rejuvenating Lifestyle Program to Help You Feel Younger, Healthier, and Ready to Rock the World! is the ultimate blueprint for a lifetime of inner and outer radiance. Rainbeau Mars’ expert guidance and passionate inspiration, abundant energy and excellent health become your baseline experience for a healthier new you. Sooner than you might imagine, you will tap into an inner reservoir of vitality for meeting each day with enthusiasm and aliveness.
POWER UP and get ready for your ultimate transformation in 2015!
Diane Karlos
Diane is a certified personal trainer, she holds a B.A. in International Politics, a Diploma in Business-Marketing and minors in Philosophy and Religious Studies. Yoga gave Diane the insight and inspiration necessary to leave the corporate world behind and pursue work she truly loves, as a trainer and yoga instructor.