Light Skin Tones:
Determine whether you have cool or warm undertones. Find foundations that are more pink to neutral beige tones. Concealer should be one shade lighter than your foundation. Set with a translucent loose powder.
Asian Skin Tones:
Find foundations with slightly yellow and beige undertones. Powder should stay in those same color tones. If you feel like you look sallow use a loose powder with a pink, purple or peachy base to warm your skin up.
South Asian/Middle Eastern Skin Tones:
Opt for foundations with slightly yellow, olive and beige undertones. Powder should stay in those same color tones. If you feel like you look sallow or dull use a loose powder or color corrector with a pink, purple or peachy base to warm your skin up.
Mixed Medium Skin Tones:
Use foundations with slightly yellow, olive and beige undertones. Avoid pink or peach undertoned colors. Powder should stay in those same color tones. Use the “Vein Test” to determine if you are a warm or cool undertone.
Latina Skin Tones:
Stay with neutral foundation shades. Foundations that have more gold and beige tend to blend really well. Powders should also stay in the same undertones or opt for a finely triple milled translucent powder.
African American/Dark Skin Tones:
Foundations and powders should have warm undertones. Mango and Banana toned powders are a great way to warm up the skin. If you get a color that is too cool it can cause your skin to look ashy and gray. Dark skin tones
Mature Skin Types:
Always use a good moisturizer under foundation. Look for foundations that have a dewy finish (whipped and creme foundations are great) Also, there are many new foundations on the market that have light reflective properties. Powders should be as silky and lightweight as possible. Light enough to set your makeup. Heavy powders and dryer more matte makeup will accentuate fine lines and imperfections on the skin.